Subscription Box Tips #4 – The Power of Email Marketing and BusterBox Breakthrough

Subscription Box Tips #4 – The Power of Email Marketing and BusterBox Breakthrough

This is issue #4 of Subscription Box Tips with me, Gary Redmond. Welcome back to my newsletter and thank you for reading. Let’s jump in!


This week’s marketing tidbit:

Every Friday is my favourite day of the week, because you can almost guarantee we will break 50 subscribers. This is not to brag but to show you the power of email marketing and how you can use it for your box. Why Friday? Throughout the week we send traffic primarily from FB but also a little TikTok, organic search, word of mouth etc.

The thing is most people are not ready to buy right away, so it’s critically important you have a way to follow up with them. In our case, we use our signup flow to capture their email, and by Friday, usually payday or when people get a little looser with their money. The key is, without email we would still have gotten the same amount of traffic, but we would have lost all those follow up sales.

The email sales are also key, because we already paid for the traffic, these sales are ‘Free’ – we don’t pay to reach those people again. So if you want to replicate our results, create your signup flow at and set up an email sequence to send people back to your website to purchase. One more thing, send a broadcast on Friday for free top up sales. Email me back when you break 50 in one day I’ll buy you a beer – No kidding! 🙂


Breakthrough in BusterBox:

This week I am just coming back from vacation but one thing stood out. Expanding your team can unlock whole new levels of growth. We hired a new employee, Steph, a few months back to work on brand partnerships and cross promotions. It took a few months for her to find her feet but her last few projects have delivered us a lot of extra sales and visibility.

Steph also had great ideas for our LinkedIn, product development, offer ideas and more. So I guess the lesson is that if there’s areas of your business you’d like to explore but don’t have time or resources to look into them, find the time or hire the resources. This can be a VA or family member whoever. Before Steph we had always TALKED about brand partnerships but never actually took any ACTION to push them forward. Inevitably we would be distracted by the next crisis.

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Books I’m reading – The Daily Stoic by Ryan Holiday

I listen to one stoic lesson a day from this book, and have done for the past 3 years. I highly recommend you read Ryan Holidays’ The Obstacle is The Way – my favourite book. It introduced me to philosophy and stoicism by giving real world modern examples of this ancient art of living. Check it out!


Formify Update

Formify now has custom fonts! You can upload whatever font you like to your signup flow to perfectly match your brand. Check it out at 🙂


My most liked Social Post I liked this week 


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That’s all for this week,

Chat next time!



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