Unlock Your Mind’s Potential: The 2000-year-old Secret to Boosting Work Performance

Unlock Your Mind’s Potential: The 2000-year-old Secret to Boosting Work Performance

Take a rest. 

“The mind must be given relaxation—it will rise improved and sharper after a good break. Just as rich fields must not be forced—for they will quickly lose their fertility if never given a break—so constant work on the anvil will fracture the force of the mind. But it regains its powers if it is set free and relaxed for a while. Constant work gives rise to a certain kind of dullness and feebleness in the rational soul. —SENECA, ON TRANQUILITY OF MIND, 17.5”

This quote was written 2000 years ago which means even then overwork was a problem. The time for action starts next week. Plan, recharge and enjoy your downtime now. You’re not any smarter or stronger for working through your rest period, if you did that in the gym you’d struggle to finish a single workout.

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