From $0 to $3M: Unlocking the Power of Email Strategies for Subscription Businesses

From $0 to $3M: Unlocking the Power of Email Strategies for Subscription Businesses

I grew my business from 0 to $3M in annual recurring sales in 6 years

Sometime on that journey I realised email marketing strategy is my most powerful weapon available to me

Now I’m giving it to you

Here’s a step-by-step guide to acquiring, retaining, upselling and winning back your subscription customers using email


1. Acquire

To acquire subscribers for your business, first need to optimise your website to convert.

>Clear high res imagery
>Good quality site design
>Emotion and benefit-driven copy (what result do you sell?)
>How it works
>What exactly do I get
>A strong offer

Next, we need to build several entry points into your email list

> Signup Flow / Quiz
> Lead magnet / discount popup
> Exit intent popup / wheel
> Abandoned cart capture
> Newsletter box in footer

Finally, we build sales automations to remind people to come back and buy

>Email 1 is a reminder to go back and purchase your subscription
>Email 2 focuses on the benefits of your product/service and why they should buy it
>Email 3 draws attention to all the good reviews you’re getting
>Email 4 is an urgent push of FOMO

Bonus tip: Fire an SMS to make sure your message is not missed.


2. Retain

A. Welcome Sequence:

Customer retention begins from the moment they sign up to your subscription.

You need to welcome your new customers to help them feel part of the family

Send them 2-3 emails:

>Introduce yourself and the team
>Tell them your story and why you started your biz
>Remind them where they can reach you if they need help

People buy more from people they like & trust

Join my Newsletter

B. Feedback Sequence:

The goal of this sequence is to two-fold:

1) To find out why people are cancelling
2) Solve those reasons for new people

Within 30 days after a cancelled sub – email a survey to customers asking why they cancelled

Compile the 3 biggest reasons

Fix those issues in your business to avoid people cancelling for those reasons in future

C. Winback Sequence:

Ask them to put their email in the cancelled survey responses.

You / your team reach out and offer to fix their issue and bring them back.

Pain point solved = customer reactivated

Finally, send exclusive win-back offers to your cancelled list – go generous with your offers, you already have them as a lead

It’s always cheaper to re-activate than find a new subscriber

3. Upsell

Think of any products that could be used as add-ons, upsells or upgrades to make your customers experience even better

Two strategies to get them in front of your customers:


At regular points throughout their subscription you will have recurring events.

Monthly payments
Subscription renewals

Leverage these events to fire email sends on a regular basis.

Send vouchers or coupons to spend more with you at regular intervals throughout their subscription

After a payment is made, remind them how they can upgrade this month’s order and get more value

On their birthday offer them a big discount on an item they would love


Send a personal email to your customers to introduce a new product and ask them to simply reply yes if they want it

When a customer replies yes ✅

Charge the card they have on file with you and deliver/ship it to them

Repeat 1-2x monthly with cool products/experiences that your customers would love

= Free money 💸

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