Subscription Box Tips #7 – The Winning Formula for Subscription Box Business: Belief, Plan, and Persistence

Subscription Box Tips #7 – The Winning Formula for Subscription Box Business: Belief, Plan, and Persistence

This is issue #7 of Subscription Box Tips with me, Gary Redmond
Let’s dive in!


This week’s marketing tidbit

The barriers to your success are really not that high. You just need to do a few things well in order to start generating the subscribers and results you want.

A high-quality website optimised to convert
An email capture and sales automations
A source of reliable traffic

If you don’t have the skills to build these things, hire people that do.

Sounds too simple?

It is simple, but not easy

Oftentimes we build up in our head how insurmountable our obstacles are. You can scale a 10ft wall with a plan, some tools and a bit of belief it can be done.

That brings me to the belief part. I have been thinking about that today.

If you believe you can do something, and TRULY believe, then success is inevitable. Not straight away, not for years possibly, but eventually. Inevitable.

You won’t take no for an answer, you don’t take failure as a death sentence, rather it is just feedback to dust yourself down and go again with a slightly different plan. The best products don’t always win, it’s the best founders who believe they can do it.

If you don’t believe, no matter what you do it won’t work.

You need a plan of course, but the best plan and the best product will not go anywhere without the right belief you can overcome the inevitable challenges that come along with being an entrepreneur, and therefore the founder must possess the belief that they will figure out what needs to be done and do it.

If you don’t BELIEVE, you’re toast.

Looking back on our 6+ years, we took some big risks, with our financial lives on the line and we very nearly went out of business multiple times. We had 2 things though, belief and thick skin.

Do you believe?

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The economy is bad, people are tightening their belts.

But we just had our best ever month for sales…

I have students also getting better results than ever before

In every crisis there’s opportunity

It’s not over til it’s over

Do you believe?

My most-liked social post this week

You can have a better product than your competitors

But if prospects PERCEIVE another product to be better

They will choose the other and not yours

Your job is to convey the benefits your product to your potential customers


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Try it 💸

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